Selamat Datang Ke BenphysioSakit Perut: Kembung Perut / Masalah PenghadamanKesihatan Wanita / Berkaitan KehamilanSakit LututSakit LeherSakit Kepala / Migrain / Telinga BerbunyiSakit Lutut / OsteoartritisSakit Belakang BawahSakit Leher / Spondilosis ServikalMasalah Bahu / Bahu BekuSakit Betis / Kekejangan / Urat VarikosSakit Selangkangan / Sakit Peha DepanSakit Saraf / Sakit UratMigrain / Telinga Berbunyi / Sakit RahangArtritis Reumatoid腰椎问题Shoulder Pain (Mandarin)颈椎问题Osteoartritis Lutut / PenuaanScoliosis
【Beautiful calves, but varicose vein there is……..😩💔】 In fact, this happened because we’ve been using the strength of our calves too much in daily activities. Time to explore the correct way to prevent it from getting more and more! . Find out the root cause of your pain issue and get the right treatment for a long lasting effect! .
Book your slot with us to get the precise diagnosis and treatment now!
- Benphysio @ Oval Damansara 016-390 2015 Unit 2-1 & 2-2, 2nd floor, Oval Damansara .
- Benphysio @ Bangsar 010-263 2015 17, Persiaran Ara Kiri, Lucky Garden, Bangsar .
- Benphysio @ Puchong 010-253 2015 40-G, Jalan Puteri 1/2, Bandar Puteri .
- Benphysio @ KL 010-283 2015 Lot G.09, Ground Floor, The Grange @ Ampwalk
Sakit Betis / Kekejangan / Urat Varikos
Varicose vein
Leg Cramps