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【Is it common for people to have the same shoulder level?】 Sometimes what you believe to be correct may not be accurate. To learn the truth about the shoulder level. Let's watch this video! . Here are some helpful tips to assess your shoulder conditions. . Find out the root cause of your pain issue and get the right treatment for a long-lasting effect! .
Book your slot with us to get the precise diagnosis and treatment now!
- Benphysio @ Oval Damansara 016-390 2015 Unit 2-1 & 2-2, 2nd floor, Oval Damansara .
- Benphysio @ Bangsar 010-263 2015 17, Persiaran Ara Kiri, Lucky Garden, Bangsar .
- Benphysio @ Puchong 010-253 2015 40-G, Jalan Puteri 1/2, Bandar Puteri .
- Benphysio @ KL 010-283 2015 Lot G.09, Ground Floor, The Grange @ Ampwalk
Masalah Bahu / Bahu Beku
Myth busted: The truth about shoulder level