What does Benphysio have to say about Back Injury?

Back Injury 101:
How Force and Velocity Affect Your Spine (P=FV)

Before diving into how injuries occur, let's first understand the basics of our back:

Understanding Your Spine & Muscles

1. The Spine: More Than Just a Stack of Bones

Spine: Anatomy, Function, Parts, Segments & Disorders

Vertebrae Structure
Image Source: Cleveland Clinic, Spine Structure and Function (Link)

The spine is not just a rigid column; it's a curved tower made up of small bones called vertebrae, separated by discs that act as shock absorbers. These discs cushion the spine and prevent excessive wear and tear. The facet joints (which connect the vertebrae) allow for various spinal movements, including flexion, extension, and rotation.

2. The Spine is Not Straight – And That’s a Good Thing!

Yes! The spine has natural curves that serve an essential purpose. These curves help to:

  • Distribute weight evenly across the body
  • Reduce stress on joints and muscles
  • Maintain stability while standing, walking, or moving

3. The Role of Muscles: Tightness vs. Weakness

Posture & Upper Crossed Syndrome
Example of Muscle tightness & weakness dynamics (UCS):
Image Source: Stassi Chiropractic, Posture & Upper Crossed Syndrome (Link)

Muscles play a crucial role in spinal stability and movement. However, imbalances—caused by tightness in some muscles and weakness in others—can create excessive force on the spine, leading to pain and injury.

🔹 Muscle Tightness

  • Tight muscles restrict movement, leading to compensatory motion in other areas of the body.
  • Common tight muscles affecting the back include the hip flexors, hamstrings, and lower back extensors.
  • For example, prolonged sitting tightens the hip flexors, causing the lower back to arch excessively, increasing strain on the lumbar spine.

🔹 Muscle Weakness

  • Weak muscles fail to provide adequate support, forcing other structures (discs, ligaments, and joints) to bear more load.
  • Common weak muscles affecting the back include the core, glutes, and deep spinal stabilizers.
  • For example, weak core muscles fail to stabilize the spine, leading to excessive movement and potential injury during activities like lifting or bending.

How Does Back Pain Occur?
(One of the many many reasons)

Forces on the Spine – What your back has to deal with – Optimal Biomechanics
The effect of force on the spine
Image Source: Optimal Bio, Forces on the Spine (Link)

Understanding the interaction of power, force and velocity is one of the key to preventing spinal injuries:

In biomechanics, power is the ability to generate force quickly. It is calculated using the formula:

Power = Force × Velocity

  • Force (F) is the energy exerted during movement. For example, lifting 100 kg puts more force on the spine than lifting 50 kg.
  • Velocity (V) is the speed of movement. Any spinal movement-whether slow or fast - occurs at a certain velocity.

Scenario 1 (Golf):
Low Force, High Velocity (F x V = Power)

🔹 Example: Slowly twisting to grab a mug from the table generates low velocity and minimal spinal stress. On the other hand, a professional golfer like Tiger Woods rotates his torso at high velocity, but because the golf club is lightweight, the risk of spinal injury remains low.

🔹Disclaimer: However, repetitive golf swings can still lead to injury. Continuous high-speed rotational movements can cause muscle tightness, imbalances, and overuse injuries. If core and hip muscles are weak, the lower back may compensate, leading to facet joint irritation, disc strain, or chronic stiffness over time.

Scenario 2 (Weightlifting):
High Force, High Velocity (F x V = Power)

When both force and velocity increase, the power generated on the spine becomes excessive, significantly increasing the risk of injury.

🔹 Example: Performing a fast, explosive deadlift with improper form. The sudden combination of high force and high speed places extreme pressure on the lower back, leading to:

  • Muscle strains (especially if muscles are too tight or too weak to handle the load.
  • Disc compression (due to poor shock absorption from weak stabilizers)
  • Herniated discs (as excessive force gets transferred to the spine instead of the muscles)

Understanding the relationship between force, velocity, and power is essential for injury prevention and movement optimization. Whether you're lifting weights, swinging a golf club, or simply bending down to pick up an object, always focus on:

  • Balanced muscle strength & flexibility to prevent compensatory movements
  • Proper technique to avoid excessive spinal load
  • Controlled speed to reduce unnecessary force

By: Amin Aziz


Horschig, A., & Yuhas, G. (2021). Rebuilding Milo: A lifter’s guide to fixing common injuries and building a strong foundation for enhancing performance. Victory Belt Publishing.


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If you are looking for trusted physiotherapy treatment in Oval Damansara, Bangsar, Puchong, Kuala Lumpur, Cheras, and Kota Damansara, Benphysio is your best choice.

For more information or any inquiries, visit our website by clicking the Appointment button or:


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Mar 07,2025